Walgreens joins SIGIS

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Walgreens has recently announced their intention to implement the SIGIS IIAS standard by the end of the year. As you know, Walgreens has applied their own proprietary IIAS system for years and has been fully compliant with IRS requirements.

SIGIS maintains and distributes the list of eligible healthcare/medical products that qualify for purchase with an electronic payment card as a service to their members. Walgreens has maintained their own list of qualified items while using their IIAS system, but will receive and use the same list of eligible items as all other SIGIS members once they convert to the SIGIS IIAS standard.

Walgreens also intends to support the Rx Amount subtotal field, which means those HRA plans designed to exclude non-Rx purchases at IIAS locations will have more definitive autosubstantiation control at Walgreens.

-via DataPath Voice

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